The Valley

Rim Bylaws

Current BY-LAWS

Valley Rim Southern Baptist Association

Article I - Name

This nonprofit corporation shall be called the Valley Rim Southern Baptist Association (The Association), an Arizona nonprofit.  

Article II - Objects 

Section 1 

The object of the association is to foster relationships amongst the churches of Valley Rim for greater kingdom impact.

Section 2 

Recognizing that the association is in no sense an ecclesiastical one, the Association shall under no circumstances attempt to exercise any legislative or ecclesiastical authority over or interfere with the right and autonomy of the churches. The Association shall embrace the orderly Baptist churches now in cooperation with it and such others as may hereafter be admitted to this body.

Proposed Bylaws

Valley Rim Southern Baptist Association

Article I - Name

This nonprofit corporation shall be called the Valley Rim Southern Baptist Association (The Association), an Arizona nonprofit.  

Article II - Objects 

Section 1 

The object of the association is to foster relationships among the churches of the Association for greater kingdom impact.

Section 2 

Recognizing that the association is in no sense an ecclesiastical one, the Association shall under no circumstances attempt to exercise any legislative or ecclesiastical authority over or interfere with the right and autonomy of the churches. The Association shall embrace Baptist churches now in cooperation with it and such others as may hereafter be admitted to this body. The basis of operation in the Association shall stem solely from the voluntary cooperation of the churches constituting this organization. The Association may, however, provide advisory counsel and support upon invitation.